Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Time in the Day

As a mother, a wife, an educator, and now a writer, it seems that there needs to be more time for everything. Organization is the key. I know some people can organize their entire life through the Google calendar and it works. Unfortunately calendars have never done much good for me. I've tried to use them many times and end up writing a few things down, maybe doing them or maybe not, and eventually getting rid of them all together.

We all have a system that works. We're all busy. I have a very detailed mind in which I section off portions of time for particular activities. For example, I know that I'll get up most mornings and exercise, then get ready and go to work, then come home and clean, make dinner, play with kids, spend time with husband, then finally, I'll spend some time working on either my current novel project or the blanket that I've been crocheting for my daughter. I finish most days by opening the novel I'm reading currently and soaking it in until I get sleepy. This is pretty much routine for me but I'm also very flexible. If something happens that throws things out of whack for me, I roll with it.

As I said earlier, we're all busy individuals and we each work in our own way....... what works for you? How do you find enough time in the day for everything you need to get accomplished and what do you do when things don't happen the way you like?

1 comment:

  1. I generally don't have time for everything everyday. Most times, it's work that I don't do. Schoolwork that is. I'm a teacher too and I teach all subjects to the same kids all day. It requires am immense about of planning/preparing/grading. Our mornings are pretty set but the after school hours are daunting to me.

    I've been given a unique opportunity at work to have a tech rich classroom however, I have to do an extra 3 hours every week plus 8 saturdays.

    I never seem to know where to put my energies at night. Mostly in the last 2 weeks I just play with the kids until it's time to get dinner ready. Eat dinner, then start some sort of household work. I'm pretty beat by the end of the day.

    I gotta say, being a working mom, teaching is the best career for it. We do get summers / extended breaks. If I worked a full time job 52 weeks a year, I'd probably quit.
