Monday, March 15, 2010

Weekly Working Mama #3

Choosing Schools for your Little Ones

No matter where you live there are going to be choices to be made as you're getting your little one's to start preparing for school. Some have been in a daycare from birth and have already been introduced to "school" as a learning institution that is outside of the home. Many others have not. Either they've been home with a babysitter, nanny, or Daddy and have, of course, learned things, but will enter the world of "school" for the first time. Either way, where your child begins and his/her educational experience is an extremely important decision with a lot of facts to be weighed. So, as a working mom how do you find the time to gather facts and visit schools without using up all of your vacation/sick days?

One of the first things you can do is keep your eyes and ears open for Open Houses at the school. Many of these events are held on the weekend or in the evening to accomodate working families. If there is no Open House scheduled or you can't make the times, call and ask for a persoanl tour. You will find that most schools are accomodating to those that they may be getting tuition from over the next school year.

Another thing that can help you make your decision is to ask around. In your circle of friends and acquaintances chances are that some have children that are the same age or older. Ask them what experiences they've had and what schools they recommend. Be sure to find out why they favor one school over another as we all have preferences.

One final thing that you can do is visit a classroom while it's in session. There's no proof like what you can see with your own two eyes. If you like what you see in that visit, stick around and ask the teacher about the curriculum. As much as it would be convenient, you cannot trust the internet and other pieces of writing to give you all the information that you need.

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