Monday, March 22, 2010

Weekly Working Mama #4

So it occurs to me that all the tried and true methods of potty training can become very difficult when you're away from home for a good part of each day. For example, "Keep them in underwear and watch for their clues, when you see one, put them on the potty." Well, that's great except if you can't spend extended periods of time with them, it's hard to do this just at night or on the weekends and as much as we'd all love to believe that our caretakers do everything that we ask of them exactly as we ask, the reality is they often don't for a myriad of reasons. You have to be okay with doing what you can when you have control over it so I suggest setting up a reward system that the caretaker can get in on too. If your child uses the potty every time with no accidents, give them a treat when you get home. If there's only one accident but every other time worked out well, give a smaller treat. Don't punish or ridicule for accidents, just say, "well, you had a few accidents. We can't celebrate tonight, but we can try again tomorrow."

What are some things you have tried?

1 comment:

  1. I used a reward system also - french fries. It worked like a charm.
